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NIH Public Access Policy: PMCIDs

Finding PMCIDs

If an article has a PMCID, it can be found by using one of the methods below.  If it does not, and falls under the NIH Public Access Policy, an author or PI (or delegate) needs to submit it.  Lister Hill librarians can help in finding and obtaining PMCIDs, submitting manuscripts, and following the approval process.   Request here

Find the PMCID in PubMed

To find the PMCID for an article, search for the article in PubMed, then choose AbstractPlus view.



Find the PMCID in PubMed Central

In PubMed Central, PMCID is in the search result list and also listed on the final published article/manuscript. (Be sure to include embargoed articles in your PMC searches.) 

Use My Bibliography/My NCBI to see PMCIDs

Using the awards view in a linked My NCBI account displays the article citation with PMCID.

Click on the image to open it in a new tab.

Find PMCIDs with the PMCID Converter Tool

Use the PMID:PMCID converter,, to find the corresponding PMCIDs (if they exist) for a single or a set of PMIDs.

Click on the image below to go to the converter.

Using EndNote to find PMCIDs

“Find Reference Updates”, in EndNote X7 is a time-saver when you want to add PMCIDs (or NIHMSIDs) to existing records in your EndNote Library. Simply select a record, choose the “Find Reference Updates” command, and EndNote searches online for updated reference data.

If updates are found, EndNote highlights the differences in a side-by-side comparison of the new and existing reference. You can choose to update the empty fields only, replace all the fields, or copy and paste specific information.

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