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MK 418: Digital Marketing: Home

Resources to be used in group project for digital marketing.

Additional Resources

Reference Librarian & Liaison to the Collat School of Business

Industry Research

Industry Associations:  Many industry associations have statistics and other publications publicly available on their web sites.  Google your industry and the word "association" to help locate these. 

 Example industry association: National Confectioners Association

Research Local Demographics & Businesses


Product & Market Research

Product and market research is not always a straightforward process. No company provides the public with a detailed descriptions of their marketing plan. Learning about the plans, requires a thorough search of the product or market by analyzing the news, business journals, press releases, and blogs to make inferences about the strategy. Use the sources below to help you conduct these searches. By using a database, you ensure that you are accessing more reliable sources and are getting the most relevant, up-to-date content. It also helps that citation generators take out some of the guesswork of citing your sources. 

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