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CDS 625: Analysis of Scientific Publication


This Research Guide features information resources for CDS 625: Analysis of Scientific Publication.

Megan Bell is the SHP librarian. Feel free to ask her if you have any questions about topics covered in this guide or use UAB Libraries' Chat with a Librarian service. You can stop by to see her at Lister Hill Library (ask for her at the HUB desk on the first floor).  Or better yet, if possible, make an appointment so that you are sure to catch her when she is at the library and not teaching or in a meeting. You can also communicate with her via email or phone (205)934-2231.


Search Strategy Worksheets

SR Search Spreadsheet

In order for your systematic review to be reproducible, it is important to keep track of the search strategy you use for each database.  That way, someone else can verify your research. 

Furthermore, a spreadsheet helps you keep track of the total number of duplicates for your project as well as the number of duplicates from each database searched. 

Finally, PRISMA recommends you report at least one search strategy in your published manuscript, so keeping track of it in a spreadsheet will help you when you write your manuscript.

Successful Search Strategies

Follow these steps for a successful search:

1.  Identify key concepts and think of synonyms for each concept.

  • Watch this tutorial to learn more about key concepts.

2.  Build search statements using AND, OR, and sometimes NOT.

  • Use AND to narrow your search and OR to broaden it.

3.  Choose the right databases and resources to search.

  • PubMed is a good starting point for health sciences systematic reviews.

4.  Chat with a Librarian if you get stuck or need any help!

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