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BY 261: Introduction to Microbiology Lab: Find Sources

Find Sources Video Tutorial

Get Sources

Courier service allows students to request materials be moved between Lister Hill Library, Sterne Library, and the remote storage facility in the 801 Building.

Document delivery service sends students electronic copies of articles from the UAB Libraries print journal collection.

Interlibrary loan service enables students to borrow materials not available at the UAB Libraries from other libraries.

Get Help

Schedule an appointment to get help with finding sources on a research topic from the science librarian. 

Select research consultation under type and Jennifer Long under preference of librarian on the form.

Find Sources

The resources below may be searched to find information about microorganisms and diseases.

Reference Works


To find books by subject (and author or title), browse the library catalog within OneSearch.

Possible subject headings include microbiology, medical microbiology, communicable diseases, or the names (or biological classification) of bacteria such as escherichia and diseases such as tuberculosis.

To find books by keyword (in any, title, author, or subject fields), search the library catalog within OneSearch.

Book Chapters

To find book chapters, search everything then limit by resource type within OneSearch.

Magazine and Journal Articles

To find articles, search the recommended library databases for biology.  (full list)

Articles in magazines and journals may be challenging to find due to the shift from tertiary sources to secondary and primary sources covering scientific experiments.  There are relevant articles out there but it may seem like finding a needle in a haystack.

Below are tips for finding scientific magazine and journal articles.

  • Check the reference list from other sources for relevant articles.  (example)

  • Look for news articles that summarize scientific research.  (example)

  • Skim the article for sections with definitions, explanations, and statistics.  (example)

Google Scholar is a tool for searching scholarly literature available on the web.  It should be used with caution since the items are added by robots instead of humans.

Follow the steps below to customize Google Scholar to find full text through the UAB Libraries.

  • Click on the options menu and select settings

  • Click on library links then search for UAB Libraries, check the box next to Find it @ UAB, and save the settings

Sample Reference Works

Sample Textbooks

Sample Books

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