You'll need to review the full text of many articles. The boxes below tell you how to retrieve PDFs in EndNote, how to access full text from our databases using the Full Text@UAB Libraries button (the boxes feature PubMed, but the Full Text@UAB Libraries button works the same in all our databases), and how to request articles via our interlibrary loan system, ILLIAD.
EndNote can be configured to find full-text articles for which you have access through library subscriptions and/or that are freely available on the Internet. When EndNote locates a copy of an article, it automatically downloads and attaches the PDF to the corresponding EndNote record.
To get the most out of this feature, you will first need to change a preference in EndNote. Below are instructions on how to do this.
1) In EndNote, go to Edit > Preferences (or if you're using a Mac, EndNote > Preferences).
2) On the left side of the EndNote Preferences box, click on Find Full Text. Make sure all four of the boxes are checked.
In the OpenURL Path field insert:
In the Authenticate with (URL) field insert:
3) Click OK or Save.
Now everything should be configured to optimize the use of EndNote's Find Full Text feature.
Before telling EndNote to find and import batches of PDF articles into your EndNote library, please make sure you have read this Acceptable Use FAQ.
1) In an EndNote library, highlight all of the references for which you would like EndNote to locate the full-text.
2) Click on the find full text button or References > Find Full Text > Find Full Text.
3) You may be prompted for authentication; if so, enter your BlazerID and password and click Login.
You’ll then get a screen like this:
4) Click Continue in the bottom right.
5) Click OK to the copyright and usage notice. EndNote will then begin searching for PDFs of the selected references.
When EndNote has completed the search, you will see a count on the left side of how many full text articles EndNote was able to retrieve. In the reference list, there will be a paperclip icon next to the references for which EndNote was able to find PDFs.
6) To access a PDF of an article, highlight the particular reference in your library and click the tab with the PDF icon in the PDF Viewer. (May be in a different location depending on your library's layout setting.) If you wish to view the PDF in a new, larger window, click the icon in the top left of that frame.
You can also double-click a reference in your library and scroll down to the File Attachments field. Double-click PDF file to open it.
The Full Text@UAB Libraries icon on PubMed records allows linking to electronic full text articles if UAB licenses the journal. To use this button, access PubMed through the library website: The sample abstract below shows the full text buttons and what they mean. If you are asked to pay for an article via the publisher link, be sure to check Full Text @UAB Libraries!
After clicking on the Full Text@UAB Libraries button you will either be taken directly to a page with access to the article or you will be taken to a page with various options including a Google Scholar search and Illiad request forms.
ILLiad is the library system used to get articles or books for you that we don’t have in our collection. You can also request journals that we have in print through Illiad.
Once we process your request, if the material can be transmitted electronically (an article, for example), it will be posted under your account and you’ll get an e-mail to let you know it’s ready. Most articles are received and delivered to you in 24 hours.
Illiad requests are FREE for UAB.
If the online full text is not available, you can request a copy of the article from another library through interlibrary loan (ILLiad).
From the UAB Libraries catalog page, click on Request article from Lister Hill Library.
After signing in to your ILLiad account, complete the form and click Submit.
You can also go directly to ILLiad from the UAB Libraries homepage. Click on Document Delivery/Interlibrary Loan image set in the middle of the homepage under "Lister Hill Library Resources."