As expert searchers, librarians play an important role in making sure your searches are comprehensive and reproducible. Standard 3.1.1 of the Institute of Medicine's Finding What works in Health Care (2011) recommends working with a librarian trained in performing systematic reviews to plan the search strategy, and Standard 3.1.3 states that an independent librarian should peer review the search strategy.
***It is best to include the librarian from the start of the project. Due to staffing levels, we are limited to working on just a few systematic reviews simultaneously. Developing and processing search strategies may take one month or longer, so please contact us well in advance of any deadlines so we can coordinate the workload.*** Please see Timeline for a Systematic Review.
A systematic review project represents a significant commitment of time and effort, including that of the librarian(s) participating on the team. When meeting with the librarian to discuss your review topic and search needs, we require either a completed protocol (especially Prospero questions 15-32) or at least a protocol template form, such as the University of Warwick protocol template. This will help you consider all aspects of the review and avoid disruptions due to unforeseen complications after you’ve begun the research. Thank you for your cooperation!
The following services are available from Lister Hill Library to help you with your review:
UAB Libraries supports UAB community members (i.e., full-time faculty, staff and students) who are initiating systematic reviews of the literature and meta-analyses by providing access to Covidence to assist with review tasks such as screening, quality evaluation and data extraction. Please visit our Covidence guide and/or contact Lister Hill Library Reference Department for more information.
Literature Review
Citation Management
Full Text
While co-authorship for librarians conducting searches and/or contributing to the methods section of systematic review publications is preferred, there may be some reviews in which multiple librarians are involved in some way. Recognizing that systematic review authors may wish to limit the number of co-authors on a paper, it may be acceptable in these cases to include an acknowledgement of the individuals involved in the text of the article in lieu of co-authorship. The lead librarian on the project will be happy to discuss the options, including suggested wording.
Contact us:
Lister Hill Library
2nd Floor
Sterne Library
HUB Desk