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Health Sciences Database Literature Searching Scopus

Advanced Searching in Scopus

Basic Searching: When searching in Scopus, the database will automatically search in the fields Article Title, Abstract, and Keywords. You can develop a search line-by-line and adjust the field for each line. This will create a more targeted and specific search.  

Advanced Searching & Field Codes: In the Advanced Document Search, you can construct more complex searches from scratch using a menu of Boolean Operators and Field Codes. Examples of Field Codes are TITLE and AUTHOR-NAME. Searching for TITLE(diabetes) would tell the database to search for all articles that contain the word ‘diabetes’ in the title. Searching for AUTHOR-NAME(David) tells the database to search for all the articles written by anyone with the last name ‘David’. You can easily explore other field codes where you see TITLE and AUTHOR-NAME listed.   

Filters: Scopus has filters that can help you refine your search. Date ranges, language, and document type are a few common filters. 

Example Advanced Search

Example Research Topic Question: Does a plant-based diet lower the risk of developing type 2 diabetes? 

Keyword Searching
Major Concept Keywords Searching Multiple Keywords at once
Diabetes Diabetes, diabetes mellitus, type 2 diabetes  Diabetes OR “diabetes mellitus” OR “type 2 diabetes” 
Plant-Based Diet Plant-based eating, plant-based diet, plant-based nutrition  “Plant-based eating" OR “plant-based diet” OR “plant-based nutrition” 

Example of basic search: Diabetes AND "plant based diet"

Title Abstract Keyword Searching
Major Concept Keywords Searching specifically in Title, Abstract & Keyword Fields
Diabetes Diabetes, diabetes mellitus, type 2 diabetes  TITLE-ABS-KEY(diabetes) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“diabetes mellitus”) OR  TITLE-ABS-KEY(“type 2 diabetes”) 
Plant-Based Diet Plant-based eating, plant-based diet, plant-based nutrition  TITLE-ABS-KEY(“plant-based eating”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“plant-based diet”) OR TITLE-ABS-KEY(“plant-based nutrition”) 

Example of more advanced search using field codes for searching titles, abstract, and keywords and word proximity: ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( diabetes ) ) AND ( TITLE-ABS-KEY ( "plant-based" ) W/2 ( diet OR eat* OR nutrition ) )