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Health Sciences Literature Searching Basic Searching for All Databases

This page explains the steps for basic searching. For more in-depth searching, choose a specific database from the menu.

Research Question to Search Strategy

Research Question: Write your research topic as a question. Be sure that your question accurately summarizes your research topic.

Major Concepts: Examine your research question, what are the major concepts? The chart will help you identify good search terms.

Database Search Strategy Table: Use the table below to organize your thoughts before beginning your search.

Example research question: Does strength training improve performance and prevent injury for runners?

Major Concepts Key Words (Synonyms, brand names, abbreviations)

Runners, Running

Strength training Strength training, resistance training, weightlifting
Performance  Performance
Injury prevention Injury prevention, injury, injuries

Search strategy templates 

Very basic: (_______)  AND (_______ ) AND (_______)

More advanced: (____ OR ____) AND (____ OR ____) AND (____ OR ____)

Example search strategy for the research example in the table above: (running OR runners) AND (strength training OR resistance training OR weightlifting) AND (performance OR injury prevention)