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Health Sciences Literature Searching Embase

Searching Embase

Why use Embase: Embase is a large biomedical database which includes MEDLINE (the major component of PubMed) as well as significant international literature and conference abstracts. It is particularly useful for finding drug and medical device literature. It makes a good compliment to PubMed when you want to be extra thorough. 

Are there differences between Embase vs PubMed? There are some differences it can be helpful to be aware of:

  • Subject Headings: PubMed uses MeSH subject headings while Embase uses Emtree. Read more about this below.
  • Quotes or Phrase Searching: Embase uses single quotes instead of double quotes, i.e. 'ibuprofen' instead of "ibuprofen." Usually Embase will replace any double quotes for you and if you use the Emtree search builder it will insert single quotes automatically.
  • Specific Field Searches: The field tags for subject headings are also different and it’s generally best to let the Emtree search builder insert these for you. To search a specific field, type your term then click "fields" under the advanced search and select the field labels you need. You can select more than one. 
  • Proximity Searching: You can also use proximity searching in Embase. Proximity searching finds two or more terms within a specified distance. This can be tricky and you can find more information under the "search tips" link which is under the advanced search bar. If you need to do a complicated search using proximity, please reach out to your liaison librarian or request a consultation
  • Other Search Features: You'll also see special search bars for PICO questions, medical devices, drugs, diseases, and others. Play around and see what you find useful and reach out to a librarian if you need help. 

Advanced Searching in Embase: Using Emtree Subject Headings

Major Concepts: central lines, prevention of hospital acquired infections, ICU

Major Concepts Emtree - Possible terms to consider
Central lines

'central venous catheter'/exp

Prevention 'prevention'/exp
Hospital acquired infection  'hospital infection'/exp, 'infection'/exp
ICU 'intensive care unit'/exp

What is /exp? /exp stands for explode. It is the default in Embase to search all the more specific terms under a subject heading. There are other ways to search specific fields. Contact a librarian if you need help putting a search together for Embase. 

Search strategy templates

Search using Emtree only:  ('central venous catheter'/exp) AND ('prevention'/exp) AND ('hospital infection'/exp OR 'infection'/exp) AND ('intensive care unit'/exp)

An advanced search will combine keywords (see basic search column) and Emtree terms:  ('central venous catheter'/exp OR 'central venous catheter' OR 'central line' OR 'central venous line' OR 'CVL') AND ('prevention'/exp OR 'prevention' OR 'prevent') AND ('hospital infection'/exp OR 'infection'/exp OR OR 'hospital infection' OR 'nosochomial infection' OR 'hospital acquired infection') AND ('intensive care unit'/exp OR 'intensive care' OR 'critical care' OR 'ICU' OR 'SICU' OR 'PICU' OR 'NICU')