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ICPSR Accessing Data

How to search for and use data found in ICPSR, a data archive for social and political science research.

Downloading data

You will to need to log in (See Creating an Account tab for detailed information) before you can download data. Most ICPSR data is available only to current UAB affiliates, but data funded by the federal government or in OpenICPSR is freely available.

Steps to Downloading

  1. Click the "Download" option
  2. Select your preferred statistical software package (SAS, SPSS, etc.)
  3. If you are not already logged in, you will be prompted to do so once you select the "Download" option
  4. Agree to the "Terms of Use"
  5. The .zip file should be begin to download quickly

SDA: Online Data Analysis

What is SDA?

Over 1500 studies may be analyzed online using the Survey Documentation and Analysis (SDA) system. This allows users to view the data and conduct statistical analysis using their web browser. This may be especially useful for researchers who want to take a cursory look at the data before downloading it, or for those do not have easy access to data analysis software. As a reminder, UAB faculty staff and students have access to SAS, SPSS and Stata through University IT.

Finding SDA-eligible datasets

To find SDA eligible datasets, you can browse the "studies with online analysis." All SDA compatible datasets will have a button to analyze with SDA. Here is an example dataset that can be analyzed with SDA, downloaded, or request access to restricted data.

SDA tutorial

For an overview on how to analyze data online, consult this SDA Tutorial. Additional information about SDA and its capabilities can be found in the SDA online documentation from Berkeley. You can also find video tutorials on using SDA on the ICPSR YouTube channel.