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BY 102: Topics in Contemporary Biology Lab: Science Literacy

Insect Apocalypse

Is an insect apocalypse really happening?

Scientific Communication
Science Magazine


Science Communication
New York Times

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What is science literacy?

Science literacy is the ability to understand basic key scientific concepts and processes and to use this knowledge to make more informed personal decisions and to better engage with society. 

By developing your skills, you will be able to better:

  • Understand and discuss scientific conclusions being reported in the news
  • Evaluate quality of scientific information and the methods behind it
  • Pose and evaluate arguments based on the evidence presented

Science literacy encompasses three dimensions of the information cycle:  (source)

  1.  How scientists produce science information  (civic)
  2.  How media repackage and share the information  (digital)
  3.  How public encounter and form opinions on this information  (cognitive)


Source:  Accelopment. (2021, March 25). Why science communication is an important skill for researchers.

What is science misinformation?

Science literacy is important for reducing belief in and spread of misinformation and disinformation found in the media that contradict established scientific findings.

Misinformation is the sharing of inaccurate and misleading information in an unintentional way.

Disinformation is the deliberate dissemination of false or inaccurate information.

Source:  World Health Organization. (2020, April 27). FACT: Adding pepper to your
soup or other meals DOES NOT prevent or cure COVID-19.

Liaison to Social Sciences

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Dana Hettich
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