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Welcome! This guide is an introduction to searching Embase.

Embase (Excerpta Medica database) is Elsevier's comprehensive biomedical database covering over 29 million indexed records from international biomedical literature. Embase includes MEDLINE plus over 2,700 additional journals. It is one of the gold standard databases for systematic reviews. Use the tabs above for detailed searching information.


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When should you use Embase?

When conducting comprehensive or systematic literature reviews:

Use Embase to complement PubMed/MEDLINE for in-depth research. Some Embase content is not available via PubMed/MEDLINE, and often when it is available Embase's extensive indexing can make shared information uniquely retrievable. Since Embase contains MEDLINE content, is there a reason to search PubMed/MEDLINE? Yes! No single database contains all the biomedical literature.

For drug/pharmacy topics and medical device tracking:

Embase has especially strong coverage of pharmaceutical and pharmacological topics. Emtree, the controlled vocabulary used to index Embase, includes chemical names, trade names, and laboratory/research codes as well as generic names for more than 31,000 drugs and chemicals, including all generic names recognized by FDA, EMA and WHO (from 2000).  Emtree also includes over 3,000 specific terms for medical devices.

To find conference abstracts:

Embase includes abstracts from biomedical, drug and medical device conferences back to 2009. Embase currently indexes over 1,000 conferences each year.

Embase Scope and Content

Embase has a broad biomedical scope, with in-depth coverage of pharmacology, pharmaceutical science and clinical research. Basic biomedical science, veterinary science and extensive allied health topics are also included.


  • Try the new pharmacovigilance search form, PV Wizard , to quickly build comprehensive literature monitoring search strategies.
  • What's new in Embase? See the details of the July 2019 release.

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