EndNote now offers a version of their software for iPad. This page offers information and instructions on a few basic features of the app. For a more in-depth guide to the iPad application please see the EndNote for iPad Getting Started Guide linked below.
You can use EndNote for iPad by itself or you can sync with EndNote Web to use the app in conjunction with your other EndNote products. If you have EndNote software on your computer, you can sync both the desktop library and the app using your EndNote Web account. For help syncing EndNote X6 (on your computer) with EndNote Web see our EndNote Guide.
Once you have signed in using your EndNote Web account (or created one), your EndNote Web references and groups will automatically sync with the EndNote App:
Watch EndNote's video on this topic on YouTube.
This short video shows you how to add PubMed records to your EndNote for iPad app. Consider setting the library (www.uab.edu/lister) or PubMed (www.pubmed.gov) as your in-app browser's homepage. The video also shows you to attach PDFs to an EndNote record as well as how to read and annotate those PDFs.
EndNote for iPad allows you to link to your Dropbox account. You can then open PDFs saved in Dropbox in the EndNote app. NOTE: if you use EndNote software on your computer you SHOULD NOT save the library to Dropbox. This will corrupt the library. The new Dropbox feature is only for linking PDFs saved in Dropbox to EndNote for iPad.
To link Dropbox to EndNote for iPad:
1. Open the EndNote app and go to settings
2. Select the Link button under Dropbox
3. Enter your Dropbox login information
4. You should receive an email confirmation from Dropbox affirming that you've linked the app.
To open a PDF saved in Dropbox in your EndNote app:
1. Select the PDF in Dropbox
2. Click the icon for Open In/Print in the upper right corner, select Open In and find EndNote
3. The PDF will be added to your Downloads in EndNote and you will be asked if you want to create a new record with the file attached.
4. If you click Yes you'll be prompted to fill in the reference form. Unfortunately, EndNote for iPad does not seem to be able to automatically generate the information for this form as it sometimes can with PDFs in the desktop version. Be sure the Reference Type is correct.
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