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Citation Styles Discipline-Specific Citation Styles

This guide will link you to citing styles for many disciplines


ACS is the citation style used by the American Chemical Society.

The ACS Style Guide: A Manual for Authors and Editors (2006)
MHSL Reference Collection QD 8.5 A25 2006

ACS Publications Reference Style Guidelines from the American Chemical Society.


AIP is the citation style for the American Institute of Physics.

AIP Style Manual (4th edition) from MIT

Preparing your Manuscript form AIP Publishing



ALWD is the Association of Legal Writing Directors.

Introduction to Basic Legal Citation (2014 ed) from Cornell University Law School.


AMS is the style of the American Mathematical Society.

Author Packages for Publishing with the AMS from the American Mathematical Society.

AMS Author Handbook from the American Mathematical Society.


AP is the style manual for the Associated Press.  It is used by those in the media.

Associated Press Stylebook and Briefing on Media Law
MHSL Reference Collection PN 4783 A83 2007

Associated Press Style from the Purdue Online Writing Lab.


APSA is the style for the American Political Science Association.

Style Manual for Political Science (2006).


ASA is the format for the American Sociological Association.

ASA Style from the Purdue Online Writing Lab

Quick Tips for ASA Style from the American Sociological Association


ASME is the American Society of Mechanical Engineers.

ASME Journal Guidelines: References

ASME Guide to Conference Publications: References


The Bluebook is used for legal citations.

The Bluebook: A Uniform System of Citation (18th ed)
MHSL Reference Collection KF 245 U5

Introduction to Basic Legal Citation (2014) from Cornell University Law School

Bluebook Guide from Georgetown Law Library


CSE is the Council of Science Editors.

Council of Science Editors (CSE) (Citation/Sequence System) from Colorado State University.

CSE Scientific Style and Format Citation Guide from Penn State University Libraries.

Government Publications

Government publications have their own citation style.

The Complete Guide to Citing Government Information Resources: A Manual for Social Science & Business Research (3rd ed):  
MHSL Reference Collection J 9.5 G37 2002

Citing Government and Legal Materials from UAB Mervyn H. Sterne Library

Citing Government Sources from Georgetown University Library


IEEE is the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers.

IEEE Editorial Style Manual

IEEE Computer Society Style Guide