Covers dozens of controversial social issues. Includes news and magazine articles, topic overviews, statistics, biographies of social activists, court cases, profiles of government agencies and special-interest groups, and links to reviewed web sites.
Encyclopedias covering a wide variety of specialties, such as small business, endangered species, popular culture, controlled substances, alternative medicines, and multicultural America.
Debate Books
The books in these series cover different viewpoints on controversial issues. Choose the links below to view a list of print and electronic books available through Sterne Library.
Public Agenda, a nonpartisan and nonprofit organizaiton, analyzes public opinion toward issues and policy. Founded in 1975 and based in New York City, its purpose is to educate leaders and citizens.
Part of the New York Times online, Room for Debate is a section where "knowledgeable outside contributors ... discuss news events and other timely issues."