How do I know what electronic resources UAB Libraries has?
- All E-Resources
- Navigate to the library site > enter keywords in the Search Collections search bar > click Search or press enter.
- Databases
- E-Journals
- Navigate to the library site > choose E-Journals link > Search or browse in Journal Search.
Are there any e-resources people can use who are not active members of the UAB community? |
- Databases in the Databases A-Z list tagged as "free resource" are accessible to anyone with an Internet connection. To view the full list, navigate to the Databases A-Z list then choose "free resource" from the "All Databases" drop-down box.
How do I check out or read electronic books? |
- Some e-book vendors require a personal vendor account in order to electronically check out e-books. Creating a (free) personal account allows patrons to not only renew e-books, but it also allows patrons to access features like note-taking and article bookmarking.
- Adobe Digital Editions is required to read some e-books. Visit Adobe Digital Editions to download it for free.
How do I check out electronic journals and articles? |
- Most, if not all, publishers and vendors allow a document download directly to the user's device rather than checking out the material for a specified amount of time. This does not require a personal vendor account.
- Some publishers and vendors restrict content to only be viewed directly on a platform or website. Bookmarking the article can help locate it later, but be aware journals often move platforms or can be taken out of publication.
Why can't I access an electronic title I checked out previously? |
- It's possible the electronic title was due and has already been checked out by another patron. In this case, place a hold on the title and it will become available to the next patron virtually waiting in line.
- Some electronic titles have a limit on how many users can access or check out materials online. If there is not a note in the catalog about the title's user access model, there should be a note on the vendor's platform (where the title is hosted).
What are user access models?
- 1 simultaneous user
- 5 simultaneous users
- Unlimited users
- User access models govern how many users are able to access a title at any given time. Some titles are Open Access (OA) where they are freely available to everyone, while other titles may have user number restrictions.
- If there is not a note in the catalog about the title's user access model, there should be a note on the vendor's platform (where the title is being hosted).
- Pop-up messages will sometimes appear informing patrons that a title is being used and a hold must be placed.
What is a personal vendor account? |
- Some major vendors like ProQuest and Elsevier allow patrons to create personal accounts that allows patrons to not only read and download content but also access features like article bookmarking, note-taking, and saving of datasets.
- Not all vendors require library patrons to use their UAB Blazer ID or email as a username, but it is recommended to do so.
Is my personal UAB Libraries data being kept private and secure? |
- Visit UAB Privacy to read UAB privacy statements and policies. If you have any questions, please contact the Data Protection Officer by email at
What are the UAB Libraries' Digital Collections and how can I use them? |
- UAB Digital Collections is an online repository by UAB Libraries of the university’s digital collections. The repository is not the same thing as the library's main catalog.
- Some of the items in the collections include historical and health-science related materials, UAB publications, electronic theses and dissertations, audio and visual materials, digitized books and manuscripts, faculty- and course-related materials.
- Visit UAB Libraries' Digital Collections to search and browse the collections.
How can I add content to UAB Libraries' Digital Collections? |
How do I access electronic resources from my library in Google Scholar? |
- Log into a Google Scholar account. Settings > Library links
- Search and add these three (3) links:
- UAB Libraries - Full text @ UAB
- Mervyn H Sterne Library, University of Alabama at Birmingham - Get it at UAB
- Open WorldCat - Library Search
- Go back to Google Scholar homepage and search.
I returned my materials but there is still a hold on my library account. How do I fix this? |
- If the hold remains on your account after 24 hours of returning an item, please contact either the HUB at Lister Hill (205.934.2230) or Sterne (205.934.4338), depending on where you checked out the item.
I have a fine on my account. How do I pay it? |
Who is eligible to borrow library materials? |
- Members of the UAB community with a UAB ONE Card (active students, staff & faculty).
- UAB alumni
- Current students/staff/faculty from institutions in the state of Alabama with a photo ID.
- Courtesy card holders.
How do I renew my library materials? |
- Items may be renewed in-person or by telephone at the HUB at Lister Hill (205.934.2230) or Sterne (205.934.4338), or online using the “My Library Account” area of the library website.