EndNote is a reference manager that allows you to manage your citations and streamline the research process.
UAB students and employees (does not include all employees under the UAB Health System) can download the latest version of EndNote Desktop software.
If you are on a UAB issued computer contact UAB Ask IT to install EndNote.
If you are on a personal computer, visit UAB's academic software center, UAB on the HUB and Sign in with your BlazerID and password. Users are limited to one download of the software.
Covidence is a literature review tool for title/abstract screening, full-text screening, data abstraction, and quality assessment. It was originally designed for systematic reviews but is useful for most literature review screening processes.
To find further information about Covidence, see UAB Libraries’ Covidence Research Guide
If you have never used Covidence before, visit the UAB Covidence Sign-Up page and enter your name and uab.edu or uabmc.edu email on the sign in page. You will then receive an email inviting you to Covidence. Follow the link in the email and click on "Create an Account."
Please note: this email is to confirm your institutional affiliation, it is not confirmation of your account. You do not have an account until you complete the "Create an Account" process.
If you have already created an account with Covidence, you will need to link it with our institutional access to create unlimited free reviews.
Visit the UAB Covidence Sign-Up page and enter your name and uab.edu or uabmc.edu email. You will receive an email inviting you to Covidence. Follow the link in the email and sign into your Covidence account. You should then be able to create unlimited reviews using your UAB access.
Once you have signed up under our institutional subscription, you can access Covidence directly by going to https://www.covidence.org/.
To start a new review, use the Start a New Review button, and fill in all the details of your review and make sure to use the UAB Libraries unlimited reviews account
Under Settings you can add additional reviewers (they do not need to be UAB affiliates to be included in a UAB created review). Additionally you can change your review title and the number of screeners required, and add inclusion/exclusion criteria and keywords.
Covidence supports three file formats for importing references: XML and RIS
Covidence will deduplicate files while they are importing
You can undo imports if they haven’t been screened under Manage Imports within the Import menu
Make your decision by clicking on the Yes, Maybe or No buttons for each reference.
When in the default dual screening mode, two Yes or two Maybe votes will move a reference into full-text screening. Two No votes will move a reference to irrelevant, and one No vote and one Yes or Maybe vote will move a reference to the resolve conflicts area.
For information about linking full text PDFs, see Covidence Research Guide
Make your decision using the Include/Exclude Buttons. To exclude, you will need to choose an exclusion reason. The exclusion criteria can be added under Settings > Eligibility Criteria
Once you have completed full text screening, included articles will be moved to the Extraction portion of the review, where you can extract data from each study and rate its quality.
You are able to customize your data extraction using the Data Extraction 1 or 2 template. Simply go to the Extraction tab and click the Create data extraction template button to start. In the template, you can choose the number of reviewers completing extraction and comparison.
For more information about Data Extraction in Covidence, please visit the Covidence Knowledge Base.
EndNote also offers excellent customer support. Their contact information can be found here:
The design of this page was partly adapted from Research: By Course, Subject, or Topic, by University of Arizona Libraries, © 2020 The Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of The University of Arizona, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.