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Master of Science in Engineering Management Professional Organizations

Professional Organizations

American Society for Engineering Management

The American Society for Engineering Management (ASEM) is a global professional society dedicated to the promotion and advancement of the engineering and technical management profession. ASEM provides a foundation for anyone wanting to engage with or become knowledgeable about the field of Engineering Management. (from the ASEM webpage)

Society for Engineering and Management Systems

The Society for Engineering and Management Systems (SEMS) is for current and aspiring engineering managers and management researchers who lead by example – and not just from the boardroom. Many spend their time on the shop floor, in distribution centers, in RFID laboratories and in benchmarking sessions around the world. SEMS is for those who focus continually on improving productivity and quality through effective and economical managerial techniques and philosophies. (from the SEMS webpage)

Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering

The Association of Technology, Management, and Applied Engineering (ATMAE) sets standards for academic program accreditation, personal certification, and professional development for educators and industry professionals involved in integrating technology, leadership, and design. (from the ATMAE webpage)