Find Plays, Monologues, and Scenes: Play Indexes

Why Use Play Indexes ?

Use play indexes to identify anthologies, collections, and periodicals that include a specific play.

  1. Search a play index and identify the anthology, collection, or periodical that includes a play.
  2. To see if UAB Libraries has an anthology or collection, search the collection using OneSearch for the Title of the anthology or collection.
  3. To see if UAB Libraries has a magazine or journal online, search the Electronic Journals List for the title of the magazine or journal. Check for a print copy of a magazine or journal by using OneSearch.
  4. If Sterne Library does not have the anthology, collection, or periodical that contains a play, request the publication through interlibrary loan. Or check WorldCat for holdings at other libraries.

Play Index Databases

Play Index Books

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