Find Plays, Monologues, and Scenes: Plays in Sterne & Other Libraries

What's in This Guide?

Use this guide to find the full text of plays in Sterne Library, other libraries, and online (non-commercial websites). The guide also features resources for finding monologues and scenes.

drama masks

Find Plays in Sterne LIbrary

Most plays are not freely available in full text online unless they are in the public domain. Search Sterne Library's local catalog first, especially for modern and contemporary drama.

Sterne Library Local Catalog Search:

To find

Search by

Search for (example)


Play published as separate book


streetcar named desire

Omit initial articles (a, an, the) from the beginning of the title.

Play published in an anthology


+williams +"streetcar named desire"

Combine playwright name with significant words from the title then check results for anthologies or collections.

Play or collection by a single playwright & published as a book


williams tennessee

Enter last name first. In results, look for play title or the words Works, Plays, Selections.

Note: Use + in a Keyword search to find all of the terms you enter. Use quotation marks in a Keyword search to search for an exact phrase.

Find Plays in Other Libraries

Can't find a play in Sterne Library? Search these databases to identify other libraries that have a play or an anthology, collection, or periodical that includes a play. You can request publications you need through interlibrary loan.

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