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Resources for Social Work Faculty

Services from UAB Libraries

Consult with a Librarian

Need help finding resources?  For quick questions, feel free to email me. Need something more than the answer to a quick question?  Make an appointment with me and we can sit down without interruption.

ILL & Document Delivery

At some point you will run into an article you need but we don't have.  To solve this problem we have InterLibrary Loan.  This service will allow you borrow the article from another library and have it emailed to you.  All you have to do is start the request and provide as much information as you can. 

Course Reserves

Instructors may place books, photocopies, select links to websites, or articles in UAB licensed databases on a reserve list for a class by filling out a course reserve request form. Items to be placed on Reserve may be part of the library's existing collection or instructors may place personal items in the library. The course reserve form may be filled out in person at the Sterne HUB desk or online using this electronic form.


Information literacy is best taught through a collaboration between the teaching librarians and course instructors. Finding and engaging with information critically happens more effectively in the context of learning about a subject.  Librarians can make suggestions for integrating information literacy into your course curriculum.