Want to browse print books (3rd floor) about philosophy? Look in the following call number areas.
Beginning of call number | General philosophy topic |
B | Philosophy (General) |
BC | Logic |
BD |
Speculative philosophy (metaphysics, epistemology, methodology, ontology, cosmology) |
BH | Aesthetics |
BJ | Ethics |
View more specific philosophy call numbers on the Library of Congress Classification Outline for B - Philosophy. Psychology. Religion.
Search the UAB Libraries Catalog (OneSearch) to find books by Title, Author, Keyword, or Subject. Books that you can check out are shelved on the third floor of Sterne Library. Always note the location and call number for specific books you find in the catalog.
Choose titles from these books series for in-depth scholarly introductions to topics in philosophy. Links show Sterne Library holdings (electronic and print).
To discover books held by other libraries, search the OCLC WorldCat database or WorldCat.org. Both include holdings of libraries in the United States and around the world.
If books are not available at Sterne Library, use the Interlibrary Loan service to borrow books from other libraries.