Click on the link below to jump to the section of this page discussing that aspect of adding references to Covidence:
This page is about moving citations from a citation manager such as Endnote, Mendeley, Zotero, or F1000 into Covidence. For more information on how to move your results from a database into a citation manager, see the Importing References into Covidence page.
Open Endnote Desktop and select the references you want to import into Covidence.
Go to the File menu and select Export.
Enter a name for your file and select XML as a file type. Note that Covidence will only accept XML files created by PubMed or Endnote. Then select Export Selected References at the bottom.
In the dropdown menu next to Output style, select Show All Fields.
Click Save. Your citations will download.
Gather all your references into one folder.
Click the dropdown box on the top left of the screen, and select All References. You should see that the check box next to each reference on the page is now checked.
Click on the copy/move/export icon on the top of the screen, which looks like a door with an arrow pointing out. Select Export as…
Enter a file name and select RIS from the file type dropdown menu. Click Download file.
Your references will download.
Select the references you want to import into Covidence.
Right-click on the references, and select Export.
A dialog box will open. Enter a name for your file and select RIS as the file type. Click Save.
Your references are now ready to be uploaded into Covidence.
To upload your references into Covidence, navigate to your review in Covidence, and click Import Studies.
In the dropdown menu below Import in to, select the folder where you would like the citations to go (Screen).
Browse to the XML, CRS, or RIS text file you would like to upload and attach it, then click Import.
It may take some time, but you should see your citations appear in your systematic review on Covidence within the next few minutes.
Generally, we do not recommend that you export references directly from a database into Covidence. Citation managers such as F1000 and Endnote have much more powerful deduplication features, so putting your citations in a reference manager first will ensure that you don't import duplicates into Covidence. But if you do need to export references directly from PubMed into Covidence for some reason, the instructions on this page will show you how.
If you want to reverse an import, you can do so as long as you have not screened any articles from that import.
In the import menu, select Manage imports.
Each file you import will be listed. If you have not screened articles from this import, you will see an Undo this import button. Clicking the button will remove the entire import from the review. If you have already screened articles, you will see a Check Duplicates button instead. Imports cannot be undone at this stage.
This LibGuide is based on one originally created by the Health Sciences Library at the University of North Carolina. We are grateful that they allowed us to use their guide as a template.