Click on the link below to jump to the section of this page discussing that aspect of managing your review in Covidence:
When you review at the Full Text level, you will need to get the full articles for every reference.
In Endnote- Select the articles you want to find. Under References, select Find Full Text to find as many PDFs as you can. This feature works best on campus. Then, for articles Endnote does not automatically find, you can type the title of other articles into a database like Pubmed or CINAHL and use the FullText@UAB button to get the full article.
In F1000- If you have set UAB as your institution, you can click the Institutional Access button for each article to connect to the full text. To set UAB as your institution, paste into your account's Proxy Settings.
In Mendeley- In the citation details, scroll down to the URL area. If you see a link that begins with, you can connect to the article on or off campus. If you do not see this link, or if the available URLs do not connect you to the article, you can type the title of other articles into a database like Pubmed or CINAHL and use the TullText@UAB button to get the full article.
3. Locate the PDF on your computer and save.
4. A View full text button will now appear instead of the Add full text button.
2. Download the file from the Recent exports section below your export menu.
3. Import the file into Endnote.
4. Find the PDFs and attach them to the corresponding reference in your citation manager. This can be done manually or by using the automated find full text feature in Endnote.
5. Once you have attached the articles to the citations in your citation manager, select all the articles and export the list of references EndNote XML format
6. In the Covidence Full Text Review menu, click on the "Bulk upload PDFs" button.
7. Click select file and upload the XML file. Once Covidence has processed the list of articles, it will create a table describing the upload. On the right side of this table, drag and drop a group of PDFs or select the PDF files associated with your references from your computer. This will be easiest if you have stored all of your associated PDFs in one location.
The PDFs will now be uploaded and automatically attached to the appropriate reference.
2. Download the file from the Recent exports section below your export menu.
3. Import the file into Mendeley.
4. Find the PDFs and attach them to the corresponding reference in your citation manager. This can be done using the Mendeley Web Importer, attaching the PDFs manually, or by downloading the PDFs and dragging and dropping them into Mendeley.
5. Once you have attached the articles to the citations in Mendeley, select all the articles and export the list of references from Mendeley in EndNote XML format.
6. In the Covidence Full Text Review menu, click on the "Bulk upload PDFs" button.
7. Organize your PDFs by saving them into one folder or by using the Organize My Files checkbox in the Options menu under Tools.
8. Click select file and upload the XML file. Once Covidence has processed the list of articles, it will create a table describing the upload. On the right side of this table, drag and drop a group of PDFs or select the PDF files associated with your references from your computer.
The PDFs will now be uploaded and automatically attached to the appropriate reference.
If you use Full Text @UAB Libraries and the requested resource is not available through UAB Libraries, you will get directed to our catalog that says "Your search did not match any physical resource in the library." Next, you will scroll down to the "Get It" section of the page to "Request article from Lister Hill Library or Mervyn H. Sterne Library via Interlibrary Loan. You may also try your search in Google Scholar as some resources are available there that the library does not own.
You can log in with your Blazer ID and password to request the article. The first time, you'll need to register, but click the link again after registering and it will take you to the request form.
Once you submit a request, in about 1-3 business days with an email saying the article is ready to download. Follow the link in the email, log in with your Blazer ID and password, and go to the Electronically Received Articles tab to download your article. You must download the article within 30 days.
This LibGuide is based on one originally created by the Health Sciences Library at the University of North Carolina. We are grateful that they allowed us to use their guide as a template.