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Hispanics/Latinx in Alabama

Information about and for Hispanics and Latinos/as in Alabama

Higher Education Planning

Federal Student Aid from the U.S. Department of Education
Para español, seleccione “español” en la esquina superior derecha.

This site is a single stop for information and resources about planning and paying for a postsecondary education (2-year colleges, 4-year colleges or universities, vocational, or career schools).

White House Initiative on Advancing Educational Equity, Excellence, and Economic Opportunity for Hispanics

The initiative's website provides information and resources to help students navigate the process of pursuing higher education at traditional colleges and universities.

Scholarships & Financial Aid

CHCI NextOpp

Sponsored by the Congressional Hispanic Caucus, this online database allows students to search for scholarships, internships, and fellowships by keyword, location, and interests.

TheDream.Us Scholarships

TheDream.US offers national and opportunity scholarships for DREAMers.

Hispanic Scholarship Fund

HSF's mission is to "empower Latino families with the knowledge and resources to successfully complete a higher education, while providing scholarships and support services to as many exceptional Hispanic American students as possible."

Scholarships & Resources for Hispanic & Latinx Students

Sponsored by, links to medical, dental, and general scholarships and education associations for Hispanic/LatinX students.

The Hispanic Interest Coalition of Alabama, ¡HICA!, has a scholarship program for Alabama students.