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Cochrane Library: Find More Studies

Find systematic reviews, clinical trials and more. Includes citations from world literature.

More Information to Inform Decision Making

On this page you will see demonstrations on using databases to find method studies, technology assessments and economic evaluations.

What is the Cochrane Methodology Register?

The Cochrane Methodology Register (CMR) is a bibliography of publications that report on methods used in the conduct of controlled trials. It includes:

  • books 
  • journal articles
  • meeting abstracts

Developed from Medline searches and hand searching

No full text is included

Useful for those preparing systematic reviews and meta-analyses

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What is the Health Technology Assessment Database?

The Health Technology Assessment (HTA) Database brings together details of completed and ongoing health technology assessments

Includes studies of the medical, social, ethical, and economic implications of healthcare interventions from around the world.

  • Produced by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD)
  • Data primarily from International Network of Agencies for Health Technology Assessment (INAHTA) 
  • Goal is to improve quality and cost-effectiveness of health care

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About the CRD

The CRD is part of the National Institute for Health Research (NIHR), UK, and is a department of the University of York.

CRD databases DARE, NHS EED and the HTA Database  provide decision-makers with access to 20,000 systematic reviews, 10,000 economic evaluations and 9,000 records of health technology assessments.

Using the NHS Economic Evaluation Database


The NHS Economic Evaluation Database (EED)  systematically identifies economic evaluations from around the world

  • appraises  quality
  • highlights relative strengths and weaknesses

Produced by the Centre for Reviews and Dissemination (CRD)

 This database addresses the difficulty in  locating, appraising and interpreting information about cost-effectiveness when making healthcare decisions

 No full text included

Cochrane Methodology Register

This tutorial (1:43) shows the type of information about COPD retrieved in the Methods Studies result set.

Health Technology Assessment Database

This tutorial (2:10) views records from the Health Technology Assessments result set for the search on COPD.

NHS Economic Evaluation Database

This tutorial (2:22) demonstrates finding quality information about studies on the economic impact of COPD using the Cochrane Library.

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