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Cochrane Library: Systematic Reviews

Find systematic reviews, clinical trials and more. Includes citations from world literature.

What is included in the Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews?

This database includes the full text of Cochrane Systematic Reviews.

 Each Cochrane review identifies an intervention for a specific disease (or other problem in health care) and determines whether or not this intervention works by summarising the results of research gathered from randomized controlled trials.

What content is included in an individual Cochrane Review?

Navigate Cochrane reviews using links above the article and in the Jump to drop down.

screenshot of Cochrane article

Review Status

Cochrane Systematic Reviews

This demonstration (4:55) is the first in a series that will explore the result sets for each database in the Cochrane Library from a search on COPD. This tutorial will show what  is included in an individual review,  and how to cite, print and and export it.

Understanding Results: The Forest Plot

Results iof meta-analyses in Cochrane Reviews are often represented visually by a Forest Plot.  The video below shows what a Forest Plot is and how to interprete one.  Or, read this article: Understanding systematic reviews: the meta-analysis graph (also called 'forest plot').

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