PyscINFO is a department of the American Psychological Association, This database holds over 1,800 professional journals, books, reports, theses and dissertations. The coverage provides access to international literature in psychology and related disciplines, such as: psychiatry, education, business, medicine, nursing, pharmacology, law, linguistics, and social work.
Basic Searching in PsycINFO
- If you're searching for information about a particular test, simply run a search using the test's title.
If you're searching by subject, use keywords:
- You can search by topic, for example, type Pain, Depression, or Substance Abuse together with AND Scale, Measurement, Assessment, and Questionnaire (see example below). You may get 1000s of results, but you can narrow them down after clicking Enter. (See the Basic Search Visual Aid to the right.)
Advanced Searching in PsycINFO
There are many options under the advanced search.
- Fill-in Boolean formatted search boxes with keywords
- Easily Add or Delete rows
- Search by customized forms, by subject
- Choose document types, languages, and specific databases
- Find better search terms using the Thesaurus.