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William Osler Letters Collection Guide: How to Navigate the Collection

This guide provides a description of the "William Osler Letters" digital collection and a how-to for searching the collection. It also includes biographical and bibliographical information on the world-renowned physician Sir William Osler.

The William Osler Letters Digital Collection

Click the above image to access the home page of the collection.

Browsing the Collection

The William Osler Letters are arranged chronologically by date. When you click on a letter, there will be an image which can enlarge to the full size the letter. If you scroll down you will see the item level metadata and transcript for each letter.

Searching the Collection

The William Osler Letters Collection offers full-text searchability. You can browse the collection, type in the general search bar or do an advanced search.

General search

To complete a general search, type a term into the search box in the top right corner and press enter. This will provide results containing the searched term within the description. Once you click on one of the result items, the word will be highlighted.

For example:

If you type the term "Toronto" into the search bar, you will get four results: Letters 1, 19, 27, and 29. From there you can click on each letter and "Toronto" will be highlighted in the metadata.

Advanced search

To complete an advanced search, click on the advanced search option at the top right of the page underneath the general search box. Once on this page, select the collection or collections you wish to search within and click the Save button. Once you have saved the chosen collections, in this case the William Osler Letters Collection, you can then type out the search term and specify whether you want to search within a specific field (i. e. author, title, date, etc.) or just select the "all fields" button.

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