If unable to open the downloaded RIS file using the web browser (step #4), import the references.
In EndNote, click on the import button in the toolbar.
Use the choose button to locate the downloaded RIS file.
Select reference manager (RIS) as the import option.
Click on the import button.
NOTE: References may be exported in tagged format (*.txt) and imported using the SciFinder (CAS) filter.
If unable to open the downloaded RIS file using the web browser (step #4), import the references.
In EndNote, display the file menu and select import.
Locate the downloaded RIS file then click on the options button.
Select reference manager (RIS) as the import option.
Click on the import button.
NOTE: References may be exported in tagged format (*.txt) and imported using the SciFinder (CAS) filter.
Follow the steps below to export references from SciFinder to EndNote:
NOTE: Items may be exported one at a time by clicking on the title then the download button.
Locate the downloaded RIS file in the lower left hand corner then click on the filename (#4).
TIP: Click on the arrow then select always open files of this type to automatically open RIS files after downloading (omit step #4).
Locate the downloaded RIS file at the bottom then click on the open button (#4).
Locate the downloaded RIS file at the bottom then click on the open button (#4).
Select open with and click on the arrow to display the programs.
TIP: Check the box next to do this automatically for files like this from now on to automatically open RIS files with EndNote.
Find the EndNote program then click on the OK button.
Confirm open with EndNote is selected then click on the OK button (#4).
TIP: Locate the downloaded RIS file in the upper right hand corner then click on the filename if not getting a pop-up box (#4).
Locate the downloaded RIS file in the upper right hand corner then double click on the filename (#4).
Locate the downloaded RIS file in the downloads folder then drag and drop it onto EndNote in the dock (#4).
Locate the downloaded RIS file in the upper right hand corner then click on the filename (#4).
TIP: Try a different web browser such as Chrome, Firefox, or Opera if having problems opening the RIS file with Safari.