Find reactions by search term or chemical structure.
Search term may be the following:
Chemical structure may be drawn or imported using the tool.
If both search term and chemical structure queries are present, reactions will only match the chemical structure query (search term query is ignored).
MethodsNow provides access to step-by-step procedures and protocols from journals and patents.
Filter the results under experimental protocols.
Shows the procedure; a table of the products, reactants, and reagents with links to open substance detail; and characterization information for each step of a reaction.
Follow the steps below to search reactions by search term:
The text query must match the identifier (substance name, CAS Registry Number, or document identifier) in the result exactly.
Follow the steps below to search reactions by chemical structure:
Search will retrieve reactions that include the reactants, reagents, or products either as complete structures or as substructures.
Below is a sample reaction results page.
Below is a sample reaction detail page.