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CH 790: Introduction to Graduate Research: Edit Output Style

Output Styles

Output styles are templates that tell EndNote how to format citations and references based on the style guide rules.

EndNote comes preloaded with many styles and additional styles may be downloaded from the repository.

ACS Style Guide

Citation style used in chemistry developed by the American Chemical Society (ACS).

References are covered in Section 4.3 of the ACS Guide to Scholarly Communication.

Edit Output Style

ACS output style has errors such as comma after last author in journal references.

NOTE:  Updated ACS Style Quick Guide (2020) includes DOI numbers for journal references (how to add in EndNote).

Follow the steps below to edit the ACS output style:

  • Go to the tools menu and select output styles then open style manager (#1).

  • Select ACS in the styles box (#2) and click on the edit button (#3).

  • Click on templates under bibliography on the left side of the box (#4).
  • Remove the comma after author in the journal article template (#5).

NOTE:  Updated ACS Style Quick Guide (2020) includes DOI numbers for journal references (how to add in EndNote).

  • Go to the file menu and select close style (#6) and save as a copy (#7).

  • Select another style in the style menu and choose ACS Copy as the output style (#8).

NOTE:  The spacing between the number and the reference may be decreased (how to modify in EndNote).

Add DOI Number

Follow the steps below to edit the ACS output style for the DOI number:

  • Place cursor at the end of the journal article template then press the space bar.

  • Copy text enclosed in single quotation marks from another template then paste into journal article template (include space character).

  • Change text to DOI followed by colon (DOI:).

  • Place cursor at the end of the journal article template then click on the insert field button and select DOI.

  • Check for correct editing of the journal article template.

Decrease Spacing Between Number and Reference

Follow the steps below to edit the ACS output style for the spacing between the number and the reference:

  • Click on layout under bibliography on the left side of the box.
  • Delete the arrow under start each reference with on the right side of the box.

  • Press the space bar to add the desired number of spaces between the number and the reference.

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