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Hispanics/Latinx in Alabama: Data on Hispanic and Latino Alabamians

Information about and for Hispanics and Latinos/as in Alabama

HICA, having long understood the importance of data in advocacy and planning, reached out to the Public Affairs Research Council of Alabama to conduct a study on Hispanic and Latino Alabamians. The data is broken into three major categories: Education, Finance, and Population Characteristics. 

For resources and more information, refer to HICA's dashboard.

The financial situation of Hispanics and Latinos can only be gleaned by combining many metrics. It requires both personal measures like poverty and income and instances of interaction with financial institutions.

This data set uses three sets of demographic data from the Census Bureau to maximize recency and locality. Through this data, we can glean much about Hispanic and Latino communities such as where they are, how the group is aging, and access to health care.

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