Download Software from UAB Academic Software Center
EndNote is available for free to UAB students through a site license. The newest version is EndNote 21 which was released in May 2023.
Follow the instructions below to create a new library.
General Safety Notes from Clarivate Analytics
EndNote libraries are made up of two parts: the .enl file and the .data folder. These two parts must be kept together as both are needed for the library to work correctly.
EndNote libraries should be kept on your computer's hard drive. Storing and editing libraries on a portable (usb / flash / thumb) or network drive can lead to corruption and performance issues.
EndNote libraries should never be stored in cloud-syncing folders such as Dropbox, OneDrive, Box, SugarSync, etc. Syncing folders corrupt EndNote libraries over time. (see safety note for MacOS versions 10.12 [Sierra], 10.13 [High Sierra], and 10.14 [Mojave], 10.15 [Catalina], 11 [Big Sur], 12 [Monterey], and 13 [Ventura])
Do not store EndNote libraries in iCloud or any other cloud-syncing folder and do not store EndNote libraries in the Documents folder if you have selected the option to synchronize documents in iCloud.
The design of this page was partly adapted from Research: By Course, Subject, or Topic, by University of Arizona Libraries, © 2020 The Arizona Board of Regents on behalf of The University of Arizona, licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License.