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Zotero: Cite References

How to collect, organize, and cite articles, and create formatted bibliographies with the free tool, Zotero.

Writing in Word

The Zotero Toolbar allows you to insert and edit citations and bibliographies, set your document preferences and remove field codes.

  1. Place your cursor in your Word file exactly where you want the citation to appear.
  2. Click the Add-ins menu tab in Word 2007 to get to the Zotero toolbar. The first button on the toolbar is the Insert Citation button.To add a citation, click the first button ("Insert Citation") on the toolbar. Select the reference you want to cite and click OK. Zotero will add the citation at your cursor.
  3. At the end of your paper, click the third button ("Insert Bibliography"). Your bibliography will appear, and new citations will be added automatically. Change bibliographic styles with the last button on the toolbar ("Set Doc Prefs").

The video below, from Georgia State Universit,y shows how to include citations in papers and create bibliographies using Zotero with Word.

Writing Papers

Learn to use the reference in your Zotero library to format the references in papers and create bibliographies to share.  

Use the subtab above or click here to learn more about Managing Citation Styles.

Creating Quick Bibliographies

It's easy to create a bibliography from your Zotero library.

Select the references or collections you want to include. Hold the control key (or Command on a Mac) and click to select multiple items. Right-click one of the selected items and choose Create Bibliography.

Choose the bibliographic style you want, select Copy to Clipboard, click OK and paste into your word processor.

This method works with any word processor or anywhere you can paste text including email.

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