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Zotero: Creating New Items

How to collect, organize, and cite articles, and create formatted bibliographies with the free tool, Zotero.

Adding References from Other Websites

Other Web Sites  

Zotero can't automatically capture citation info from some web pages, but you can still add them to your Zotero library.

To add a web page using FireFox (see the video above):

1. Open your Zotero library.

2. Click the page button (to the right of the green plus sign) to save a link to the page. This will save a new "web page" item to your library.

3. You can add information about the author, etc., if you wish.

This will also attach a snapshot of the page to the citation. Taking a snapshot saves a copy of the page to your computer. It includes the page's text and images, so if the page is removed later, or if you're offline, you'll still be able to view your copy.

To add a web page using Zotero Standalone: 

1. Right click on the web page.

2. Choose "Save Zotero Snapshot from Current Page"

You can add information about the author, etc., if you wish.

This will also attach a snapshot of the page to the citation. Taking a snapshot saves a copy of the page to your computer. It includes the page's text and images, so if the page is removed later, or if you're offline, you'll still be able to view your copy.

Manually Add Citations

There are times you may need to add an item manually.  This video shows how to do so.

Adding or Attaching Files

It's easy to attach files (like PDFs) to items in your Zotero library.  Just drag the file into your Zotero pane.  Dropping a file onto a collection, or in between library items, will copy it into your library as a standalone item.  Dropping it onto an existing item will attach it to that item.  This is the easiest way to attach a copy of an article to its entry in your library.

Each item also has an Attachments tab in the right column.  You can attach files by clicking the Attachments tab and then the Add button.

Learn more about adding files here.

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