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MLA (Modern Language Association) Style

MLA Paper Format

MLA is pretty easy to format if you can remember a few rules:

  • Don't use a cover sheet. The first sheet of your paper is the first page of your essay.
  • Number your pages with your last name and the page number in the upper-right-hand corner (see below)
  • Use 1" margins all around
  • Center your title
  • Use the heading below (name, professor's name, course, and date)
  • Double space the text
  • Use a 12 pt. font
  • Put your Works Cited page on a separate page at the end of your paper.



More details on formatting your paper can be found at the MLA Style Center.

Bibliography formatting

  • Continue your page numbering.
  • Center "Works Cited".
  • Make sure your entries are in alphabetical order by the authors' last names. Also,
    • Alphabetize by the exact letters in the spelling: MacKay precedes McHam.
    • Let a shorter name precede a longer name beginning with the same letters: Linden, Ronald precedes Lindenmayer, Arnold.
    • With last names using a prefix such as le, du, di, del, and des, alphabetize by the prefix: Le Beau, Bryan F.
    • When de occurs with French names of one syllable, alphabetize under d: De Jean, Denise. Otherwise, alphabetize by last name: Maupassant, Guy de.
    • Alphabetize by the first element of a hyphenated name: Sackville-West, Victoria.
    • Alphabetize by the last name when the author uses two names without a hyphen: Thomas, Elizabeth Marshall.For a work with no author named, alphabetize by the first word in the title other than A, An, or The.
  • If you have two works by the same author, use ---. for the second article and sort them in alphabetical order.

Smith, John. Books by John Smith.

---. More Books by John Smith.

  • If you are unclear about any requirements, ASK YOUR PROFESSOR