1. Identify key concepts and brainstorm search terms for each
2. Build search strings using "and" "or" and sometimes "not"
- Learn more about Boolean operators here
- "And" narrows your topic, "or" broadens it
3. Choose the right resources or databases to search
- Consider books and e-books for background information. Articles can provide current information and answer specific questions. Use articles to find evidence for evidence-based-health care.
- PubMed (medicine) and Web of Science (science) are good starting points for peer-reviewed biomedical articles
4. Use Search Tips from Help files in your chosen database to focus your search
- Each database searches differently. Some use subject terms that include popular synonyms. Others search by keyword
- PubMed and CINAHL have "limits" for language, patients ages, publications types, date, and more
5. Ask a librarian if you get stuck!
- As your liaison, I can suggest databases, recommend subject headings within each database, and assist you with literature reviews, creating auto-alerts on your topic, and managing your results.
- We can work through email or meet in your office/lab for a consultation to get started.