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Graduate Biomedical Sciences and JHS Departments: Choosing a Journal for Publication

Where Should You Submit Your Article?

This page highlights databases licensed by UAB that are useful to help you choose the journal where you will submit your article. For additional assistance, contact your library liaison  or Ask A Librarian!

Journal Citation Reports: Impact Factors

 is a comprehensive resource that allows you to evaluate and compare journals using citation data drawn from over 11,000 scholarly and technical journals from more than 3,300 publishers in over 80 countries. I Journal Citation Reports can show you the:

  • Most frequently cited journals in a field
  • Highest impact journals in a field
  • Largest journals in a field

Citation and article counts are important indicators of how frequently current researchers are using individual journals. By tabulating and aggregating citation and article counts, JCR offers a unique perspective for journal evaluation and comparison.


  Go to JCR


JANE: Journal/Author Name Evaluator

JANE is a web tool that allows you to search for journals, authors and articles that match your search terms.  Simply paste your terms into the search box, and choose "Find Journals", "Find Authors," or "Find Articles."  JANE compares your terms with the top 50 matching documents from articles in MEDLINE from the past 10 years.   To learn more about how JANE works, see this FAQ or read this paper.

The Analyze Results Tool

Use the Analyze Results to gain insight into your search results. Perform a search on the topic of your paper, then analyze by Source to see how many papers on your topic have been published in up to ten selected journals over the past 10 years. Learn more about the the journal's impact by clicking on Compare Journals and view SLR and SNIP data.


Comparing Journals

Journal Analyzer

The Journal Analyzer Tool Allows you to choose up to 10 journals for comparison and provides graphs for you to see how journals perform relative to each other.


This video shows you how to browse and analyze journals using Scopus.  Click anywhere in the image below to start the tutorial.  This tutorial requires FLASH. iPad/iPhone users see this help file.


To learn more about the metrics Scopus uses, see:


Profile Photo
Jill Deaver

Journal Metrics

There are several citation metrics for evaluating journal performance.

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