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EndNote (Desktop Version): Import Filters

Methods for Importing Citations

There are two main ways to import citations into EndNote:

  1. Direct Export and
  2. Using an Import Filter.

The database you are searching will determine which approach you will use. More information on each method is on the right.

Download Import Filter Updates

New and updated filters can be downloaded from the EndNote website for free. Review the list below for new and updated files. You can download files individually or as a complete set. Instructions for downloading filters is on the right side of that web page.

Direct Export

Many of the databases available at UAB have Direct Export options. That means that once you have done your search and selected the citations you want to include in your EndNote library, you can send those citations to your EndNote library with the click of a button - without the need to select an Import Filter.

Some databases that support Direct Export:

Note: Some browsers work better for direct export than others. 

Import Filters

For databases that do not offer a Direct Export option, you must do a couple of extra steps:

  1. Export your citations as a file and then
  2. Import that file into your EndNote library using the appropriate Import Filter.

The Import Filter is selected during the import process to tell EndNote exactly how to interpret the information in your text file. Because each database has its own way to organize reference data, there are different Import Filters for each database.

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